Monday, December 17, 2007
This is not really interesting
This weekend we watched Waitress and Superbad. Superbad is super funny. Waitress is only ok.
On Wednesday we're having dinner with my brother in law Jeff. We are looking forward to seeing him, we always have a great time hanging out. I think we'll go to Marmalade Cafe. I plan to give him some presents to take home to the family. I hope he has room, otherwise they'll be late to arrive in TX.
I had plans to do laundry and go to the gym today, but instead I worked late and sat in traffic.
I guess I'm nearly done Christmas shopping. I have a couple more things to get Matt, but nothing big. We're just doing one big gift for the both of us. I got to choose it, and my choice was a fancy drill. Exciting I know.
Tomorrow, I hope to not make an excuse not to go to the gym. Matt has gone everyday for almost a week! So impressive. And so much better than paying and not going.
I'm not too excited for Christmas. It's hard to get to excited without kids to get all jazzed over, and since I just have the 25th off, it doesn't feel like much of a holiday.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
We both expected Monday to come sooner or later so we were prepared. It doesn't suck any less to be out of work for the holidays but at least we won't worry about money.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
I've had shows nearly every other weekend since October. I'm ready to sleep in and do other things for a number of weekends in a row.
I'm going to take JJM Handcrafted in a new direction next year. I don't think that weekend shows are the right path. I have 3 goals for next year.
1. take amazing pictures of every item
2. revamp website and etsy site
3. explore wholesale
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Cashmere. I want a cashmere robe.
Ebay has a nice selection. Just think how cozy it will be to lounge in my cashmere robe?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Handmade for the Holidays
It will be GREAT!
I have a nice holiday display lined up. Pictures will follow on Sunday.
I have be an absent blogger due to the workload, creating, shopping, planning...
happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
The zoo
They opened the new Gorilla exhibit on Monday and had special early viewing for members. The exhibit is great, a lot like the Chimpanzee exhibit.
While we were standing watching the apes, a woman turned to me and said "excuse me". I leaned in to hear her and she asked me to pick up her child and place him on her shoulder. I looked at her, then at her kid and said no. She replied, really, you won't? No.
WTF? Why would I want to pick up your 4 year old kid, lift him up 4 feet and place him on your shoulders? Hell no.
A lion pooping. Everyone else was shitty, the kids, their diapers, the moms so why not the lion. I assume the lion was pooping because he walked around and kicked dirt all over behind where he was standing after he was finished. Like a cat does after pooing in the litter box. And then the girl lion went and stuck her nose in his butt, I don't know what that means.
I don't really like the color in these, I'm still learning with the new camera. It was dusk, I'm sure there is a setting. We look jaundiced, and our teeth are not that yellow!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Personal Day
On the to do list
1. Michael's Arts and Crafts. This is employee appreciation week at Michaels, and it seems that I'm an employee. All I have done is shown my work, filled out a bunch of paperwork and complete a 70 question quiz about stealing, smoking pot and having issues with authority. Check, Check and Check. I passed with fling colors. It was much like the MMPI, but for people who work at Michaels. Honestly, it made me uncomfortable. But I digress.
So Employee Appreciation Week at Micheal's means 50% off my complete purchase. That's right, 50% off my ENTIRE purchase! I plan to take advantage and restock my supplies.
At some point in December I will teach a class, it is nice to be appreciated in advance.
2. Laundry.
3. Sleep in past 5:30 AM.
4. Make 20-200 items for goody bags for the Handmade for the Holidays. 200 is pretty ambitious, but that is what I'm shooting for. It is worth it. 200 people will have my business card and a little slice of clay with a hole in it. I plan to do an abstract flower. They can hang it on something or whatever. I'm sure I'll also make a few beads and maybe some other fun easy things.
5. Make a pot of crock. For that I need to go to the grocery store. So I imagine the day will start with a trip to the grocery store and maybe jamba juice. I think pot roast will be on the menu. Or maybe I'll be a super good wife and try to replicate Matt's mom's chicken and biscuits recipe. Never having had it, nor knowing what it tastes like will likely be an issue.
I'm looking forward to a nice day off!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
So much going on
First up
Barnsdall Art Park October Arts and Crafts fair. Sadly, I cannot find one single thing about the fair online to link you up. I doubt that is a good thing. Let's hope that the word is out in other ways.
John Burroughs High in Burbank. Their first arts & crafts fair. I haven't a clue what to expect, but its local and inexpensive. The funds support the school arts, so that is good.
Craft Republic This one is at the fair grounds in Pomona. I'll rock the Inland Empire.
Handmade for the Holidays This should be awesome. The day after Thanksgiving and at the busiest intersection in Hollywood? Across the street from the Grove (big mall) and they will flyer every car to inform them of our fantastic handmade items. No lead here.
Fashion Co-Op Holiday I'm super excited about this show! I was invited to vend at another event this same week in December. That event looked just as awesome, but it came with a hefty price tag. I debated all weekend long what decision I would make, do I risk it and go for it, or not. I was still on the fence when I learned I was accepted into the Fashion Co-Op show. Hooray. This show was a third of the price of the other, and it will be just as great. It's at the same exact location of the other show, so I still get to experience showing in Santa Monica.
So all of that and my full-time job and holiday stuff! My job, btw, is going great. I'm learning a new responsibility and things are just great.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Random on a Thursday
I redesigned my website and put up a blog just for submissions to art shows. You can look at them if you so choose.
Tonight for dinner we are having grilled artichokes and grilled zucchini. The zucchini has been marinating for a few hours in a combo of Cabernet, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and various spices. I know I have two acids, the wine was an after thought. I will sprinkle the artichokes with Parmesan and salt and pepper.
This website freaks me out. Are you left or right brained?
clockwise or counter
Tomorrow is our 5th wedding anniversary. The traditional gift for number 5 is wood. I got my DH a wood plank cookbook and cedar and alder wood planks. You can't get much more wood than actual pieces of wood.
Tomorrow we might go to the fancy restaurant just down the street. I need to find the menu to confirm its stuff we'd like to eat. We can get all dress up and walk over and toast to our love and commitment.
Monday, October 08, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
The Brewery Artwalk
I'm in building 624, come visit me and see some art.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I have applied to a bunch and I'm awaiting replies for some and gearing up for others.
This weekend is the Brewery Artwalk! My most favorite show ever.
I hope I hear all positive things from all the other shows, no rejections, please.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
I've also decided it is time for some professional pictures. I've selected 10 items to start. My frustration with images knows no bounds. The color is off, the white background is yellow, the detail is lost.... Or I spend an hour or so editing the image. I do not enjoy it. So time to outsource. The person I've selected takes AMAZING pictures. I have given her free will to do what she wants creatively. I know my best work is when someone gives me a general idea and says go for it. So I've submitted the items and I just cannot wait to see what she comes up with.
Of course I'll post the images here!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
We were in Union Square late on Friday night waiting in line for the trolley. A nice toothless man with a pocket full of city guides sold us some tickets to ride. Willie Sparks was his name, played drums in Sly and the Family Stone and Graham Central Station. Upon Willie's suggestion Matt googled him when we got home and he could be who he said he is. Anyway, we gave him money for tickets he got from people who were done traveling for the day, or found on the ground, or garbage. Nice niche he's cut out for himself.
I ate BACON and STEAK!!! Really, really good steak. Dry aged for 6 weeks, so tender and moist. YUM. That did it for me, no need for meat for a while.
I am sad to report that the second big art weekend I had planned in October has been canceled. The Rotary Club of Studio City decided to cancel the event due to road and bridge construction at the location of the event. It makes sense, but I was really looking forward to doing my vary first local show. Oh well, maybe in the springtime.
In good news, since that show has been canceled Matt and I can go away for our FIVE year anniversary. That makes the cancellation AOK in my book.
I'm planning to do a few other various one off events throughout the holiday season, I'm super excited. I hope to do more shows than EVER.
I guess that is it. I'll post pictures later.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I had a tiny bit of prosciutto when my sister was visiting in April. And fish a few times here and there, but no ham, no chicken, no steak. No ribs, no fried chicken and no bacon.
But this weekend.... ANYTHING GOES.
Bacon, I love you. I'm sorry we've been apart for so long. Even though we haven't hung out in a long, long time I think about you almost everyday.
I'm not bacon obsessed, ok I am, but I think about bacon a lot because I walk past the little cafe every morning and can smell the bacon as I pull into the parking garage. It isn't MY fault.
And then I get emails and catalogs from Vosges, I mean just look at this picture

How could you not think about bacon when you pull this out of your mailbox? I'm not saying, ok I am saying, that I want to eat that chocolate bar.
I've been ordering from Vosges Chocolates ever since my dad bought me a Red Fire Bar after touring the History of Chocolate exhibit at the Natural History Museum in early 2003. Vosges Chocolates make kick ass chocolate. Freaking expensive, but still kick ass chocolate.
So meat, whether you are drenched in chocolate and are of the bacon variety, or even if you are a fillet from a cow, wrapped in bacon, watch out I have my eye on you.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Temptation Debuts
I was shocked to see Mark on the second episode. Mark is the man who won, and won, and won the day that I was bumped. I'm excited to see the people I hung out with get stomped.
It is fantastic that I was bumped that day! He is on FIRE. Seriously. He hit the buzzer every single question in an entire round.
I still do not know when I will air, maybe next week I'll hear. I imagine it will still be in the later October early November time frame.
Have you watched yet?
Friday, September 07, 2007
A Wrinkle in Time
You meant a lot to my childhood. Thank you for being so patient and agreeing to sign stuff my dad would bring to you at the Episcopal Church general convention. Deborah and I treasured those autographs!
Travel safely with Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin throughout the galaxy.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
San Francisco
I have been nominated to plan all of our activities. I am the only one in the group to never visit NorCal. Sooo Excited!
I've been doing lots of research via, love that yelp. I've also asked everyone I know what they think we should do.
So far my number one choice for one evening is a 3 hour walking GHOST tour of Pacific Heights.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
weekend recap
It is very challenging to make polymer clay cooperate when it is all soft and warm. But I did make 15 new make up brushes and a couple of pendants. Everything is buffed and ready to go!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Best. Day. Ever
Temptation, the New Sale of the Century airs next Wednesday here on My Network TV, or what ever it is called, the old UPN network channel. They have 2 prime time episodes on the 5th, then beginning on 9/10 2 episodes everyday, check local listing for channel and air times. In LA it is on FOX 11 from 2-3.
My episode will probably air in November. I will find out for sure in 2 weeks. For dvr reference, my episode number is 1GT073 or 73.
I cannot report if I won, or what I may have won, or did not win for that matter. So tune in to find out! I promise you will not be disapointed, it is a thrilling game!
I started my winning streak last night at the LUSH store at their hair care party. I won a nice gift set. Yay!
Now for winning the game show! HOORAY!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The mosaic is framed nicely by the tile and the hood.
This is a crappy picture of the switch plates.
This is my first attempt, well second I guess, at a flat piece all made from clay. I guess I like that earthy striation effect. This has lots of texture. Actually more than I originally envisioned, it changed a bit in the oven adding some puckers and cracks. Much like the earthy striations! I think it is fine. I'm using the Antique Roadshow motto that if it happens during firing it doesn't effect the value, right? If value = vision? I will get it matted and framed. I hope to have a small series ready for the art shows in October.
This is the first attempt. I have an inspiration piece, which has loads of blues and bright pinks, you can see it in the last image. I've since added some blue and purples and then stopped working on it. I finally put it up on a shelf and will look at it sometime over the weekend. I think I'll scrap all the blues and continue with my favorite colors. I'm not a big fan of orange, but when I set out all my various product you'd never ever believe me.
There is the inspiration piece! I thought I knew who painted it, but I'm not so sure now. Those are the blended sheets of clay making up the ropes above.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
So I have never ever won a game. Never. I maybe play 0-5 games per day. I prefer freecell, but it is big and takes more thought and time. Minesweeper is simple and quick.
Truth be told I play these games at work.
I don't care that I always lose, but every single F2 (new game) I think this will be the one, this is the time I win.
Maybe tomorrow.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
I worked on clay project yesterday and hung out with my friend Michelle. It was a very nice Saturday.
Today prior to the tofu fest, I'm going to do more clay and maybe laundry.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I got there at noon. We had various briefings going over the game and the rules. Then we were put in private rooms in groups of 3.
We sat there for hours and hours. Waiting. One contestant from the morning crew was winning, winning and winning. Each time the person won, it would displace one of the 9 people from the afternoon group. They won 5 shows in a row, the most you can win. About 6:00 the contestant coordinator came to tell me that they were very sorry, but I would have to come back in 2 weeks. Myself and one other woman hung our heads and walked to our cars.
So my new tape date for the game show is in a couple of weeks. I'm ok with that. More time to buck up on trivia. More time to debate my clothing options. More time to practice hitting a buzzer, how does one practice that?
I'm a bit bummed out and I sure wish I didn't have to take another PTO day from work. Now that I've got the situation down, I can work a half day and do the show.
The person won some AMAZING prizes. It makes me even more excited!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Wear This!
Rules are as follows:
A nice pair of pants, jeans (with no holes in them) or a skirt (no minis please; it can be as short as 1” inch above your knees) paired with a pretty blouse or sweater. Please keep in mind that you will be sitting on a nice, cushy chair on the set and we want you to feel as comfortable as possible.
None of the following are allowed:
1. Blouses or shirts or an entire outfit that is solid black, red, bright pink or solid white;
2. Small prints or patterns (polka dots, checks, stripes, herringbone, plaid);
3. Turtlenecks or neck jewelry (it will interfere with the microphone);
4. Tube tops, halter tops, tops showing more than an inch of cleavage:
5. Sheer material (under all the lighting it may become transparent);
I wear lots of dresses. Here is what they said about dresses... No Dresses, or one-piece outfits (unless you don’t mind having the sound engineer attach the microphone battery pack to your undergarments). Do I mind? I have lots and lots of great dresses.
Here are some top/skirt/pants choices.
Teal with a drawstring right under the boobs. Crocheted sleeves.
Short sleeve v-neck sweater.
Green wrap shirt. It is too big for me, so pretend it fits.
Turquoise button down
The turquoise button down straight on
Light green t shirt with embroidery at the shoulder and waist, gathered under the boobs
Black twin set with the flowered skirt
The catch to this whole thing is the director can choose which one they think will look best with the other contestants. So my first choice, or yours, may or may not be acceptable.
Friday, August 10, 2007
We are going camping. I'm only semi wanting to go but I will not back out. We will leave either tonight or tomorrow morning. Once I am there it will be AOK. I just need to get there and that involves, shopping, driving, unloading, setting up tent, blowing up mattress, and calming down the dog.
I'm going to read a Michael Connelly book that my dad mailed me while sitting at the edge of the ocean. In the book they drive within a block of my residence. I have not read a good murder mystery in a long time. I also will "read" OK! and at least one other trashy rag.
A couple of weeks ago when I tried to sit and read on the beach the dolphins were far too playful to concentrate on anything but staring into the sea. That would be fine too.
The Perseid meteor shower is peaking on Sunday night. I hope that the sky is clear and we can watch shooting stars all weekend.
We'll come home early as usual on Sunday. Then I have to go out shopping and find something for the tv show. I tried shopping yesterday and go very frustrated that the one item I decided would be ok, was $149! WTF? Wrong neighborhood.
H&M and Target will fulfill my needs. And maybe just one nice top from a boutique, I'm eying a new one that just opened in Burbank. Carly something or other.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Temptation - The New Sale of the Century
WHAT SHOULD I WEAR!!! OMG? National television. Eeeek.
I'm getting my hair trimmed tomorrow, and I plan to get my brows waxed Monday.
Monday, August 06, 2007
Nothing much
I have a request to bring in some jewelry for a co-worker. I'm not sure about the selling at work, but since she is HR, it must be alright. I still plan to ask if we can go outside just so I'm not crossing any lines selling my stuff at work.
I've started production on my Van Gogh inspired "painting" of course I'm doing it with clay, but it is flat like a painting. We'll see.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
The ring
Monday, July 30, 2007

Sunday, July 29, 2007
weekend report
Saturday we got up early and drove to our camping spot. We always reserve both Friday and Saturday, sometimes just go early on Saturday morning. I still wasn't feeling well, a stupid migraine. So we didn't stay overnight, just until about 7:30 last night. It was a great day. I pretty much spent 90% of my time on a beach chair reading trashy gossip rags and watching dolphins. Lots and lots of dolphins.
Then we came home and slept in and enjoyed not packing up and wishing I could wash my hands.
This afternoon we saw The Simpson's Movie. It was funny. Not highly recommended, but if you are a Simpson's fan, you won't want to miss it.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Sad News
3 words.
As I posted previously, I decided to do the game show audition circuit. One question they ask, "Are you running for public office?" I said no. Since my campaign doesn't have the same recognition as say, Hillary Clinton or Paul Thompson, I didn't think it'd matter if I quietly withdrew my name from the hat. Theoretically, I could go back into the race at a later date, but for now I'm not running for President.
I'm sorry to disappoint my supporters, truly I am very sorry.
But GAME SHOW!!! Me on the TV (again) this time I will be VICTORIOUS!!!
I'll post all the details in the next few weeks. For sure sometime after next Wednesday.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Forget the lryics
The initial part of the interview consisted of a test with 24 songs with blank lines following a string of lyrics. Songs like Summer Night from Grease and We are the Champions by Queen or I'm Just a Country Boy by John Denver.
Summer Nights
Summer lovin' had me a blast
Summer lovin' happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me
Met a boy cute as can be
____ ____ ____ _____
If you know it you know it right off. I got about half way through and then went back to the tougher songs. I'd sing them in my head, closing my eyes trying to come up with the next line. Some were really a challenge. It did not help that that woman next to me was finished and quite chatty with the dude handing out and grading the tests. She also texed very noisily, like beep beep beep, beep beep beep beeeeeep. ANNOYING. I at one point asked if there was any way she could turn off the beeps, as it was very distracting. She got annoyed with me and huffed back, I'm almost done. Whatever, even I know how to text in silence. I kind of hated her by that point.
Anyway, I was still lamenting on missing lyrics I couldn't figure out when the other woman in the room (who came in after me) turned in her answers, and passed.
I finished up what I could and left a few blank. I sat back down and waited. I'd been through this before, I was ready for the news. Shockingly, I passed.
The other woman that was waiting had driven in from the OC and made it to Hollywood in 30 minutes! We discussed alternate routes and various driving in LA.
The three of us were interviewed together. Loud Texter went first. She had been practicing what she would say, "metal plate in my head crazy cat lady" in the waiting room. She did well, saying that she had metal plate in her head and she has 4 cats. The "judges" banter back and forth with her and then ask her to sing. She asks what we all think, name a country star. Everyone names one, I said Shaina Twain (I don't listen to country) she looks at me and says OVERRATED. The judges finally tell her to just pick something she likes. She asks if she can sing Patsy Cline. They say yes sing what you like. So she sang. Very well. She said she was nervous and probably sounded bad, but she didn't get nervous signing in front of 20,000 people.
Next up Fast OC Driver. She works doing event planning disney or something. She is also a professional singer. Great. 2 profession singers and me. I'm not sure what she sang, but it was good.
Now me. I don't even know what I said, something about make up brushes and egg art. They didn't know what egg art was, so I explained, poorly. I sang the first verse of Frank Mills. WTF is Frank Mills? Hair soundtrack. I did ok. Not great, especially when paired with two professional singers.
Fast OC Driver 100% dominated the focus, she had a very big personality. I'm sure you'll see her on the tv.
They said they'd need to discuss and sent us out to the waiting room. The judges returned and said they'd review everything and get back to us in 24 hours. Then they asked Loud Texter "since you've been here so long to stay and get you on camera". They said to me, we'll call you in 24 hours and told me to leave. Fast OC Driver did not come out after me, so one can only assume she too was asked to stay for the camera.
Um, don't call me, we'll call you. Whatever I wasn't too excited about, I don't want to sing karaoke in my everyday life, so not singing on national television is just fine with me.
I'm glad I did it. It'll help to have the butterflies out before the audition on Thursday for SHOPPING! I can totally do bargain shopping and answer pop trivia questions! I'll be close to home, relaxed after work, and not straight from work! Shopping is way more my speed.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Felt Club
I was lured in by the gift bag (250 total to be given away) and my friend Rose and I met up at 10, the show opened at 11:00. We headed over and planned to drive by and then go find coffee and come back about 11:00. At 10:19 there were about 125 people in line. We parked and waited in line for 45 minutes. By the end the line looped up then down the street beyond where we could see.
We got the gift bags! Heavy bags with free samples, books, an Izze drink (YUM, available at Target), buttons, tons of stuff!
The venue was CRAZY, all those hundreds of people and the hundred or so vendors. We were over it by 11:25 and left. It was 100% worth it. Just the gift bag alone.
I applied for the show and wasn't accepted. I understand why, it really isn't my genre of art. And having been there today, I'm really glad I wasn't accepted. It would have been great to get that much exposure, but damn, so totally overwhelming with that many people. So it all worked out just fine.
I'll still apply for the winter show.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Game Show Summer 2.0
You can watch a lot of television with an unemployment check and rent control. I decided to seize the opportunity and become a game show contestant.
My initial success was with the assistance of a friend of a friend who was a game show talent coordinator. She hooked me up with an audition for the Comedy Central show Beat the Geeks!
I was in! It was super fun to tape the show. Beat the Geeks was a traditional buzz-in trivia show. Men are statistically proven to be quicker with the buzzer finger, they'll buzz first think later, woman think then buzz. They told the girls not to think. I was eliminated in the first round. I did walk away with a nice parting gift, a jansport backpack! Whoot.
After Beat the Geeks I decided to take it national. I auditioned for Hollywood Squares, I did not pass the test. The Weakest Link, failed again. The Chair, hosted by John McEnroe, pass! Then the show was canceled. I also tried out for a few more, nothing panned out.
So now we come to Game Show Summer 2.0, I shall be victorious.
My friend Rose and I are going to team up for a show that is a cross between The Price Is Right and Antqiue's Road show or something. We need a team name and might go with Jane's Girls. I'm not sure. We met on the internet forever ago on the Jane Magazine (rip) message boards. I sometimes forget that is how we met, cause now we're just regular friends, not internet friends. They'll love us and call us in for the audition next Friday. They will!
The other audition is for the show "Temptation" it is already a show in Australia so I read up on it and it seems to be a test of your ability to resist temptation, but also a buzz-in quiz show. The temptation being a 42 inch HDTV for $22 or something even better, the one with the most money at the end of the show has the opportunity to win one big big prize, car, trip... or come back next week to win even bigger and better stuff. The questions are all pop culture, count me in.
I applied for that Fox singing show "Don't Forget the Lyrics". One million bucks for lyrics taking up space in your brain. Chances are, I've got them up there, they are just waiting to burst out in song. And I like Wayne Brady. I hope they contact me.
Tune in later....
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Buyer's Remorse?
Also more pictures of the weekend with my sister and her family, aka vacation #3.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Bits of info
Frequently while driving I think I hear the ice cream man, then I realize it is my cell phone ringing.
I love my MP3 player, especially the radio.
TV I'm watching
Age of Love aka Cougars vs. Kittens. - Horrible, horrible show. Yet I still watch.
So You Think You Can Dance aka SYTYCD - Awesome, I've not missed an episode in 3 years.
Days of Our Lives - We watch it everyday, both of us. It used to be my must get in before DH gets home, but now if I even think of watching it alone I'll have to watch it twice.
Top Chef - Still to many players. And just when I learn that Padma is married to Rushdie, they announce their separation.
Of course there are many more shows, like Beverly Hills 90210, the Daily Show and Colbert that are always on the line up.
Internet fun:
A Quiverfull web board. WTF is quiverful? You know the Duggar's, the ones on TLC with the 16 kids and growing? The super Christians who leave their fertility up to God and teach me about modesty? Those are the quiverfull. I know it is probably wrong that I read their message board and discuss at length various topics with my own message board. But it is so wrong it has to be right.
Last night we went to World Music night at the zoo. It was awesome. The Ibex were fighting and it was like a fantastic boxing match with about 70 people gasping as their horns cracked against each other. And zebra sex, you really can't go wrong. Well, yes you can, if it is you that is having sex with the zebra. Maybe even more wrong than my mocking of the Quiverfull.
Tonight we are having halibut, sea salt and olive oil oven baked fries and a salad. Friday we are having veggie halibut burgers and artichokes.
I'm not making any. I need that to change so I don't stress out come September for my two big huge back to back art show weekends.
My sister came to visit. Go here to see pictures. (vacation #3)
And sadly, Matt's sister was sentenced to prison yesterday. My heart breaks for everyone involved. We hope that everything will work out ok with her children. We both wish we were closer and at the same time we are glad we are so far away. She will probably serve 2.5 years but she received a maximum of 15 years.
I want this. I would wear it with 1 million different things. I might go to see it in person at the store.
We bought the Honda Fit. I'd be way more excited about it if it was say, in my parking spot. Rather it is on a ship in the port of LA. Within 6 days it will be in my spot. I can't wait.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Honda Fit
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Since you asked
Emma: She is doing great! We give her extra love everyday and that seems to be just what the doctor ordered. Well not really considering our love is FREE and the what the doctor ordered was $3000.00.
Car Shopping: Still looking. I just want the car to be in my parking spot and not have to deal with all the shopping. And especially all the car sales men, give it up Jack. Armen, so far so good.
Presidential Bid: I'm still running. Don't forget to vote for me.
What else? How come when I'm in the car I can think of 100 million things to post but now that I'm here, nothing.
This weekend my sister and her family are coming for a visit. I really should be getting the house into visitor shape, but I don't wanna.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
June brides
Monday, June 11, 2007
Little Baby Girl
The weekend we returned from Michigan we noticed that she just wasn't herself. Not really eating and some excessive drooling. Matt took her to the vet last Tuesday and they kept her all day and did some tests. We were not sure if the loaf of bread she ate on the prior Saturday was causing her some gastric issues. They planned to do some blood tests and x-rays.
I got a call telling me that the x-rays were normal and that we could pick her up at 6:15. The blood results would be in at 6.
We got there and the doctor told us that the x-rays seem normal, the urine and most of her blood work was also normal.
Except for the liver tests. He believes that she has liver disease. They only way to determine what kind and how bad is with an ultrasound and a guided biopsy. He said she is a very sick dog. She vomited bile at 5:30 despite having fasted all day. She had an injection of pepcid and received some fluids.
He recommended that we keep Emma overnight and she receive a bleeding time and IV fluid. The following day she would have the ultrasound and if necessary they'd put her under for the biopsy. Then she would need to stay for a few days and recover.
The results of the biopsy/ultrasound would tell the MD what type of liver disease she has, hepatitis, chronic, inflammatory... Without the tests he cannot treat her.
Then we get the estimate. One for the preferred treatment and one that is bare bones. $2500 for the full deal and $1100 + $940 for the lesser. Either way we were looking at $3000+ for the first day including $700 we had spend for the day at the vet. Plus min. of $450 per day for 3 days after the biopsy.
They left us to discuss things and we were really balking at spending another $2000+ on an old pet. I'm still recovering from Chase-er-meow-meow just 5 months ago.
We decided we needed to think about putting her to sleep. The MD said he would not disagree with that decision, especially since even after knowing what type of liver issue she has her quality and term of life might only be 6 months.
So we decided to put her to sleep last Tuesday night.
Then the MD recommended that we think about it overnight and take her home. She isn't in pain and we could at least spend the night loving her and saying goodbye. Then we could put her down on Wednesday.
We took her home. She ate her kibble, ate treats, cuddled with us on the couch and in bed. And she seems 100% normal and fine.
We decided we would not to do anything. We plan to add some chicken breast to her diet to increase her protein and maybe some other stuff to keep her healthy and happy.
Until she shows us some sort of visible decline, we're going to just love her.
We just didn't know what to think. Maybe the blood tests were abnormal or a fluke or if she really has some sort of liver issue.
On Wednesday evening we went back to the vet to pick up some medication as recommended by the Vet.
She received the first round of pills beginning Wednesday night.
Thursday I came home to find her lying on the bed soaked in urine. Not good and for sure not normal.
Friday she peed in the living room. And the same on Saturday. She peed without any sense of urgency, no asking to go out. She was just standing there peeing.
I researched online to see if any of the new meds could be causing this side effect. If it was a side effect. We called Jeanne, a nurse, and asked her. Nothing should link the two together. She had been drinking more water, which of course would cause more need to pee, but not like she was doing.
We decided to stop the pills altogether, she hasn't peed in the house since Saturday morning. She is running around at the park, eating and drinking, peeing outside and pooping. Normal dog stuff. She still barks at the television and at the little pain in the ass dog across the way. She is 100% Emma.
Today I called the vet so that I could tell them I wasn't going to do a f/u and to get copies of the lab work and x-ray.
The tech was pretty rude and said he'd check with the doctor to see if he would ok the release of the labs. I questioned this practice and asked that they be ready by this time tomorrow.
I vowed right then to never go back to them.
Then the Dr. called me back. He had lots of questions and seemed really concerned. He was pleased to find Emma doing well. He hoped that I would go for a second op. and he also really hoped that I'd go to a specialist. I said that I've split Emma's care between them and another vet and as soon as I said the other vets name he got excited. He said to please follow up with him after I go for follow up blood tests.
He did concede that there was possible lab error. I know for sure after spending 4 years working at the lab, that it is a valid possibility. I can't remember exactly the stability of the blood for liver tests, but as soon as I see the names it will come back to me.
I told him about the peeing in the house and how it seemed like she didn't even have any urgency and why I thought there was a correlation between the meds and her peeing. He semi agreed, but only because of the timing and not because of any of the meds. He also asked that I bring them in to make sure there was no medication error.
I feel better about the vet. Not good enough to bring her back. I said that the soonest I would consider going to the other vet is next Tuesday. He said that is fine given her current condition.
So until next week I hope to put any additional worry and concern out of my mind.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Margaritas vs. Street Fair
As I posted yesterday we had decided to go to the Los Feliz street festival. We were a block from the subway and noticed that the new grocery store was open! We just had to take a detour and check out what the store has to offer. It was a shiny and new, the produce all piled up in an artistic manner, and a lovely floor free of grime and dirt.
Halibut was on sale, $14.99/pound for the filets. About $10 less than Whole Foods and Gelson’s! We are walking back to the store tonight to pick up some halibut for dinner. I asked Matt if I should prepare it differently than lightly breaded and pan fried in butter/olive oil. He thinks I have a good thing going with the current method and why mess with a good thing. Yum!
After shopping at the grocery store we decided that rather than going to the street fair we’d rather have a margarita. For whatever reason, full bars are hard to find in our immediate neighborhood. By immediate, I mean within a 5 minute walk. Beer and wine are plentiful, just not liquor, save for a hard core gay bar or two. We decided to walk to the lone Mexican restaurant, which we thought was about 4 or 5 blocks away. About a mile or so later we were still walking and vowing to enjoy our margarita’s and take a taxi home. As we continued to walk block upon block, finally we could see the sign for Karaoke and Margaritas. Fortunately, the karaoke wasn’t happening and we drank our salty rimmed margaritas and ate chips with guac and salsa.
We did walk home. I promised that the walk home would do us well and the sun was shining and we had a buzzy spring to our step.
I’m not sure if the margarita was a better decision than the street fair. But we for sure got more exercise walking the 4 miles round trip for the drinks than the few blocks we would have walked at the fest.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Back to normal
Today we are taking the subway to a street fair.
I'm out of the blogging habit, I hope to make a triumph return ASAP.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I have a co-worker who has a necklace that I made. She gets compliments on it every time she wears it, awesome! One woman asked that she bring a necklace to me to make some earrings that she lost. I made the earrings and the woman loved them, again awesome. Then she lost one and I had to make a replacement. Which would be great, if I ever received the money from the co-worker to cover my costs. It is my own fault for not pressing her for the payment, but that is a whole other post.
So then the woman gave the co-worker one earring and said she wanted a necklace and bracelet to match. No other details, the earring is a stone and diamond earring. Not exactly my medium. Excuses, excuses I didn't call the woman and the earring has been sitting in my purse for a couple weeks. So upon some pressing from my co-worker I call the woman today.
This was the conversation:
Ring, ring.
All I hear is loud music, at first I thought that it might be an annoying answering machine with just random music.
Young Man: hello (add a tinge of annoyance)
Me: Is Linda there?
YM: She'll call you back
Me: can I please leave a message
YM: NO She'll call you back
Me: can I at least leave my name so she knows who called? I start to say this is co-workers friend...
Me: yes, but she won't know who is calling her
YM: grumble grumble SHE WILL CALL YOU BACK
So I hung up on him. Fuck that. I don't need additional work in a medium I don't deal with and one that will be a hassle to get paid.
However, if the woman calls me back I would be happy to ask her to meet me or attend one of my shows where she could purchase some of my ready made products. Or talk in person to figure out what it is she is looking for.
It is my own fault for doing such a kickass job on the earrings, serves me right!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
May 2, 2007
I'm 35 today. And rather than be depressed that I'm 35 today I've decided to seize the moment and use my new age bracket to RUN FOR PRESIDENT! You know why? Because I am eligible.
I am. All you need to do is be born in the US of A. And be at least 35 years old.
I will not be accepting donations, that is just too much trouble. I'll campaign at lunch and on the interwebs, all for free. Who needs $100 million dollars? (ok I do, but I doubt I'd use it for freaking tv advertisements, maybe health care and homes and reformation of the criminal justice system)
So vote Joanna for President. I promise you won't be throwing away your vote. Really, you won't. You put that sucker in the vote box and let Florida throw it away.
I'm sorry if people excited for a more personal type of announcement, like babies or Oscar gift bags. I've got other things on my plate right now, like running for President.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Artwalk Recap
I made lots of great contacts, I hope that they follow through! I sold lots of jewelry, switch plate covers and make up brushes. I actually have to make more brushes! I remember when there use to be 3 full boxes of completed brushes, there are now less than 15! So gratifying! I have another small show on May 12 in Echo Park, Eagle Rock? I can't remember which. I have next weekend to get stuff done. I hope to assemble and sand while camping the following weekend.
And now for pictures. I don't know if you can tell but each item has a little hang tag with my logo on it! Branding baby. A couple different people commented that they recognized my logo. Since Deborah designed it, I'm positive that someone else isn't using it. They must know it from ME!