Friday, August 10, 2007


Today was the longest day ever. And there is still a ton left, ugh.

We are going camping. I'm only semi wanting to go but I will not back out. We will leave either tonight or tomorrow morning. Once I am there it will be AOK. I just need to get there and that involves, shopping, driving, unloading, setting up tent, blowing up mattress, and calming down the dog.

I'm going to read a Michael Connelly book that my dad mailed me while sitting at the edge of the ocean. In the book they drive within a block of my residence. I have not read a good murder mystery in a long time. I also will "read" OK! and at least one other trashy rag.

A couple of weeks ago when I tried to sit and read on the beach the dolphins were far too playful to concentrate on anything but staring into the sea. That would be fine too.

The Perseid meteor shower is peaking on Sunday night. I hope that the sky is clear and we can watch shooting stars all weekend.

We'll come home early as usual on Sunday. Then I have to go out shopping and find something for the tv show. I tried shopping yesterday and go very frustrated that the one item I decided would be ok, was $149! WTF? Wrong neighborhood.

H&M and Target will fulfill my needs. And maybe just one nice top from a boutique, I'm eying a new one that just opened in Burbank. Carly something or other.

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