Friday, October 14, 2005

Blog I miss you

I won't be posting in my blog quite as much. It seems that my new supervisor requested that our information systems department do an audit of my internet usage. Blogger, why aren't you, eonline, salon, cnn, television without pity, and various other sites work related? WHY?

Back in the late 90's early 00's I worked for a well know pornogapher. He published mainly glossy magazines, but really started to branch out into gambling and shops in my last year of employment. Magazines are magazines whether they feature a couple of nikkid girls in a farm scene with a pig, one of them peeing; or Consumer Reports. They all have to get to the printer on time. When you work for a montly magazine you tend to have some downtime in between deadlines. In my particular job, I had about 2.5 weeks of downtime a month. And what does one do with all that downtime? (aside from the 40 minute smoke breaks) You surf the internet. I like the internet, it is my friend. In those couple of years I developed long standing relationships with various websites. Websites that taught me things, websites that make me laugh, places where I met people who later became my "real friends". I think it is good to have diversions at work, granted whilst working in porn, my time online was much more colorful than it could ever be at a hospital. And to be honest the days dragged on into what seemed like years, probably because I didn't have anything to do.

But anyway, at my current job they didn't take to kindly to my time online and I got a written warning on Monday. It is my very first written warning. I can't say that I'm proud. I'm proud that I didn't cry and that I accepted my wrong doings and promised to make a change. So far, I have only gone to 2 different sites. One to find a physician license and one to find the UPIN. I'm detailing everytime I go out of the intranet into the WWW in my outlook calendar. I do that because I have a shared computer and I don't trust my supervisor. My co-worker also was written up, so at least I'm not the only one!

I feel so wasteful of my personal time if I come home and spend an hour online. Damn that work.

I keep thinking that I can create posts at work and then save them to my memory key. That is work related, right?


Anonymous said...

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Katrina said...

Dude, I totally do that! I pretend I'm writing some important report but really it's some personal email or random thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Are you allowed to go online during your breaks? Like, put a postit up saying "I AM ON BREAK AND CAN DO AS I WISH MOTHER FUCKERS"?