I am ineligible for consideration for the job at the other hospital due to my inappropriate use of the internet during business hours. FOR 6 MONTHS.
In good news, my manager is moving forward with me as the liaison for the physicians. I hope that it doesn't involve a new job title or something that would require me to request a transfer. Someone did say that it can be overruled if I am the highly qualified candidate.
I haven't even used the internet for one single purpose outside of work. It has been an incredibly interesting week politically. I LOVED reading all the articles on salon.com and keeping up on the state of our union. Unfortunately, I'd rather watch Days of Our Lives when I get home than read salon. But I have to watch Days, I'm going to the 40th anniversary seminar on Wednesday and I'd be shamed out of the room if I wasn't down with the comings and goings in the lives of the wonderful people of Salem.
I had my follow up appointment after the cortisone injection. The pain has been far worse following the injection, it took a full week for a partial recovery. The MD was not pleased. He is requesting an MRI. I hope that the MRI doesn't show a rotator cuff tear. I would prefer not to have surgery. In fact I do not want surgery, no thanks.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Camping Pictures

We had my mom's chili recipe Friday. I also made cornbread, which you can see being grilled in bacon grease with the eggs! I was seriously impressed with my ability to make cornbread, I used those throw away pans and didn't even burn the bottom (too badly).
Saturday we had stuffed pork chops and ribs, along with a salad. Breakfast pictured above. Best of all were the pumpkin seeds hot off the fire, I marinated them for many hours in my own special pumpkin seed marinade. I only wish they lasted the night, sadly they were very soggy from the exteme morning dew.
Matt's pumkin was a punk who did time, you can't really see his tear drop tat, I named him Paco. My pumpkin is a gorilla, he doesn't have a proper name.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Tomorrow pictures
We had a great time camping. I'm too tired to post anything of note, so look for pictures tomorrow.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
new job?
I check the job board ALL THE TIME. Like I know within a day if there is a new job posted. Yesterday I saw a great job for me, Patient Relations Coordinator. It isn't at my hospital but our sister hospital a little bit further away, but still in our hospital system, so I wouldn't loose my retirement plan.
I quickly got the paperwork together and called the recruiter. When I approached Donna, my new manager, she asked me a bunch of questions about why I want to leave, she has to sign off on the request to transfer before I am considered for an interview. The recruiter didn't leave me feeling very positive, the first thing she said is "well, we have had a chaplain apply" which I guess means she believes based upon his choice of careers he is more qualified. I didn't let that get me down, I redid my resume, called the Patient Relations Manager and told her I was applying for the job. She thinks I would be great, but really did not want to see me leave our hospital. Today Donna called me and said she wanted to ask a few more questions about the job and why I want to leave. I explained that I really do love my job and my hospital, but I am not stimulated and I don't think faciliting diagnosis is the best use of my qualities. She agreed. She asked if she re-created my job to be about 1/3 field work would I be interested. The field work would be visiting the doctors offices and training the staff, providing customer service and making sure that their needs are being met by the laboratory. I already do that but on a very small scale. She attended one lunch that did some training at the office and I guess she was impressed. She is going to present her plan to the powers that be tomorrow! She pulled me aside later in the day and told me she isn't just paying me lip service, she really wants to keep me in the lab, and I am the best candidate to be the liaison between the lab and the physicians. I told her that I think we are really missing out on providing a better level of service to our doctors, the sales rep gets the account and then we don't really hold their hands or honestly treat them all that good when they are new. Maybe because nobody pays a follow up call and tells them what our expectations and requirements consist of.
So I hope that on Monday she will have some great news for me.
I quickly got the paperwork together and called the recruiter. When I approached Donna, my new manager, she asked me a bunch of questions about why I want to leave, she has to sign off on the request to transfer before I am considered for an interview. The recruiter didn't leave me feeling very positive, the first thing she said is "well, we have had a chaplain apply" which I guess means she believes based upon his choice of careers he is more qualified. I didn't let that get me down, I redid my resume, called the Patient Relations Manager and told her I was applying for the job. She thinks I would be great, but really did not want to see me leave our hospital. Today Donna called me and said she wanted to ask a few more questions about the job and why I want to leave. I explained that I really do love my job and my hospital, but I am not stimulated and I don't think faciliting diagnosis is the best use of my qualities. She agreed. She asked if she re-created my job to be about 1/3 field work would I be interested. The field work would be visiting the doctors offices and training the staff, providing customer service and making sure that their needs are being met by the laboratory. I already do that but on a very small scale. She attended one lunch that did some training at the office and I guess she was impressed. She is going to present her plan to the powers that be tomorrow! She pulled me aside later in the day and told me she isn't just paying me lip service, she really wants to keep me in the lab, and I am the best candidate to be the liaison between the lab and the physicians. I told her that I think we are really missing out on providing a better level of service to our doctors, the sales rep gets the account and then we don't really hold their hands or honestly treat them all that good when they are new. Maybe because nobody pays a follow up call and tells them what our expectations and requirements consist of.
So I hope that on Monday she will have some great news for me.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Over the last 6 months I have sent 1275 accounts to Medical Records for coding. Today I decided to do a random audit to make sure they are coding as requested. So far I have found about 50% that have either been coded wrong or not at all. I've only reviewed 75 accounts. I'm a bit angry with Medical Records. Why do I bother even getting the diagnosis if they don't code it and bill in the time frame set forth by Medicare? So tomorrow I need to review the other 1200 or so account and be prepared for a meeting on Thursday.
I need to change my planned camping menu for this coming weekend. I had planned to make chicken on a spit, but with just Matt and I that seems like too much work. I don't want to rotate the bird every 5 minutes for 4 hours, no thanks. We can have chicken cooked in the dutch oven or something equally as good. Maybe we'll even scrap making everything from scratch and purchase some of the beautiful meat from the fancy pants grocery store in Malibu. Yay Malibu.
I need to change my planned camping menu for this coming weekend. I had planned to make chicken on a spit, but with just Matt and I that seems like too much work. I don't want to rotate the bird every 5 minutes for 4 hours, no thanks. We can have chicken cooked in the dutch oven or something equally as good. Maybe we'll even scrap making everything from scratch and purchase some of the beautiful meat from the fancy pants grocery store in Malibu. Yay Malibu.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Sunday Random
I watched Pretty Woman today. I never get tired of that movie, and I always cry at the end.
I purchased some new clothing. I love new clothes. I will wear some tomorrow.
I scheduled to have a cortizone injection into my shoulder tomrrow. I am dreading it.
Intervention begins a new season next week. Best terrible to watch show on tv.
I am making chicken breast, stuffed with left over homemade spinach artichoke dip, breaded and baked. We are also having chipotle ranch french fries and roasted corn. I'm hungry and it has at least an hour left.
Today Matt had a terrible headache. It freaks me out and makes me think of his mom. I told him he has to go to the doctor if he gets another bad one like today. He agreed.
I purchased some new clothing. I love new clothes. I will wear some tomorrow.
I scheduled to have a cortizone injection into my shoulder tomrrow. I am dreading it.
Intervention begins a new season next week. Best terrible to watch show on tv.
I am making chicken breast, stuffed with left over homemade spinach artichoke dip, breaded and baked. We are also having chipotle ranch french fries and roasted corn. I'm hungry and it has at least an hour left.
Today Matt had a terrible headache. It freaks me out and makes me think of his mom. I told him he has to go to the doctor if he gets another bad one like today. He agreed.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
4:55am: got in shower
5:11am cuddled with Chase-er-meow-meow and watched the news
5:17am began to get ready for work
5:45am kissed Matt goodbye, put 1/2 & 1/2 in my coffee cup and left for work ,
6:06 punched in, I am usually not so late, but I was still "on-time" because we have a 7 minute grace period.
6:09 disinfected my desk. I don't trust the night shift to not use my computer with dirty gloves or to have specimens at my desk.
6:11 checked the overnight print job, and printers. AOK
6:12 say good morning to the night shift and smatterings of day shift while checking the call in list
6:15 coffee, usually there are a bunch of phlebotomists and various scientists also having coffee, but not today. Sabir and Jose have coffee together everyday, they both do intense FISH and cytogentics studies; everyday the eat some cracker/cookie things and offer one to me, I always say no.
6:20 decide what I'm going to work on, surprise its diagnosis issues
6:21 finish writting up the tests ordered and also write down all the phone and fax numbers for Tracy. Tracy is recent grad who has been working with me for 3 years, she graduated in the spring. She is planning to go to grad school in the spring. She is wonderful.
6:45 send some faxes requesting diagnosis so we don't tie up the fax after the offices open
7:00 I was asked to give the opening reflection for the new Service Ambassador term. I choose the prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sowlove; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; wherethere is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there isdarkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so muchseek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to beloved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoningthat we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.Amen.
I copied it from my email into word and printed it out. When my co-worker left to fill supplies I practiced reading it out loud.
7:07 my annoying, doesn't pull her weight coworker showed up. I worked and chit chatted as people came in until 8:15
8:15 hot chocolate from the coffee shop
8:25 get ready to read the prayer
8:30 - 10:00 meeting time. The prayer was perfect and the new term should be great. I'm very pleased to be a part of the team. Our patient satisfaction scores have sky rocketed, they are up to 83.9% with a 3 year goal of 85%. We have 2 more months to make that goal. We went from the last hospital in the health system to the second, hopefully by the end of the year, we'll be up to #1!
10:10-11:00 worked on dx and checked and responded to various email
11:00 LUNCH half a chicken salad sandwich on rye and 5 carrot sticks and a water $1.50
I finished reading the article about Hi Poo Poo (I can't remember the actual name) it is where the tsunami hit and The Beach was filmed in Radar. (one of my many free magazine subscriptions, thank you Rose) The article started good but finished poorly.
11:30 back to work I guess I missed a blow up while at a the meeting, my lazy co-worker got mad that she was told she had to work at her desk and called the lead girls bitches and threw a bag at them. I didn't miss the fight 2 weeks ago when she went off on someone else. I worked on diagnosis BS until 1:15.
1:15 break with Karry. We usually go to the giftshop or the coffee place and look in the vending machines. I don't ever get anything from the vending machine, but I eat a few bites of whatever Karry gets. Today we also went to the gift shop as they are having a 50% off sale on halloween items. I got a black cat witch candle holder for $2.
1:30 work for another hour, wrap up the day and check in with Tracy
2:27 clocked out
After work I went to Naimie's beauty supply. I was hoping they would carry my new favorite hair product. They do not. I purchased some blotting rice paper for my crazy grease face, and looked at $100+ hair dryers and curling irons. Then I went to Gelson's, we have stopped cooking on Wednesday and do some sort of take out or dine out. Today it is turkey meatloaf, brown rice veggie salad, and garlic bread. I also bought some chicken bolognese sauce in case the meatloaf is dry. I hope it doesn't suck.
Now it is 4:50. I am going to spend the next 40 minutes watching Days of Our Lives. Matt should be home shortly after. From there, all I know is from 9:00-10:00 LOST!!!
5:11am cuddled with Chase-er-meow-meow and watched the news
5:17am began to get ready for work
5:45am kissed Matt goodbye, put 1/2 & 1/2 in my coffee cup and left for work ,
6:06 punched in, I am usually not so late, but I was still "on-time" because we have a 7 minute grace period.
6:09 disinfected my desk. I don't trust the night shift to not use my computer with dirty gloves or to have specimens at my desk.
6:11 checked the overnight print job, and printers. AOK
6:12 say good morning to the night shift and smatterings of day shift while checking the call in list
6:15 coffee, usually there are a bunch of phlebotomists and various scientists also having coffee, but not today. Sabir and Jose have coffee together everyday, they both do intense FISH and cytogentics studies; everyday the eat some cracker/cookie things and offer one to me, I always say no.
6:20 decide what I'm going to work on, surprise its diagnosis issues
6:21 finish writting up the tests ordered and also write down all the phone and fax numbers for Tracy. Tracy is recent grad who has been working with me for 3 years, she graduated in the spring. She is planning to go to grad school in the spring. She is wonderful.
6:45 send some faxes requesting diagnosis so we don't tie up the fax after the offices open
7:00 I was asked to give the opening reflection for the new Service Ambassador term. I choose the prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sowlove; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; wherethere is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there isdarkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so muchseek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to beloved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoningthat we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.Amen.
I copied it from my email into word and printed it out. When my co-worker left to fill supplies I practiced reading it out loud.
7:07 my annoying, doesn't pull her weight coworker showed up. I worked and chit chatted as people came in until 8:15
8:15 hot chocolate from the coffee shop
8:25 get ready to read the prayer
8:30 - 10:00 meeting time. The prayer was perfect and the new term should be great. I'm very pleased to be a part of the team. Our patient satisfaction scores have sky rocketed, they are up to 83.9% with a 3 year goal of 85%. We have 2 more months to make that goal. We went from the last hospital in the health system to the second, hopefully by the end of the year, we'll be up to #1!
10:10-11:00 worked on dx and checked and responded to various email
11:00 LUNCH half a chicken salad sandwich on rye and 5 carrot sticks and a water $1.50
I finished reading the article about Hi Poo Poo (I can't remember the actual name) it is where the tsunami hit and The Beach was filmed in Radar. (one of my many free magazine subscriptions, thank you Rose) The article started good but finished poorly.
11:30 back to work I guess I missed a blow up while at a the meeting, my lazy co-worker got mad that she was told she had to work at her desk and called the lead girls bitches and threw a bag at them. I didn't miss the fight 2 weeks ago when she went off on someone else. I worked on diagnosis BS until 1:15.
1:15 break with Karry. We usually go to the giftshop or the coffee place and look in the vending machines. I don't ever get anything from the vending machine, but I eat a few bites of whatever Karry gets. Today we also went to the gift shop as they are having a 50% off sale on halloween items. I got a black cat witch candle holder for $2.
1:30 work for another hour, wrap up the day and check in with Tracy
2:27 clocked out
After work I went to Naimie's beauty supply. I was hoping they would carry my new favorite hair product. They do not. I purchased some blotting rice paper for my crazy grease face, and looked at $100+ hair dryers and curling irons. Then I went to Gelson's, we have stopped cooking on Wednesday and do some sort of take out or dine out. Today it is turkey meatloaf, brown rice veggie salad, and garlic bread. I also bought some chicken bolognese sauce in case the meatloaf is dry. I hope it doesn't suck.
Now it is 4:50. I am going to spend the next 40 minutes watching Days of Our Lives. Matt should be home shortly after. From there, all I know is from 9:00-10:00 LOST!!!
Friday, October 14, 2005
I'm an addict
We had our health fair at work today. I had my BMI and fat index done, I'm a GOOD, my fat mass is 19.5% and my BMI is 20, excellent is less than 17 for the fat mass and less than 25 for the body mass. They put an electrode on your foot and hand and measure the fat mass by the flow of the current. I am down from last year. Which is suprising because I feel like a fat pig and I've gained a few pounds.
Now the bad news:
My cholesterol is 234! OMG, up over 70 points in the last year. I blame it on BACON. BACON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Just this week I had you for breakfast on Monday and Wednesday and Thursday, wrapped around my amazing filet mingon on Wednesday, and wrapped around my pork loin last night. Why do you taste so good? Why are you so bad for me?
The change started today. I had oatmeal for breakfast and half of a chicken salad sandwich for lunch. I will only eat bacon when camping, I swear. I will exersize and I will eat less red meat.
I like to think that my cholesterol is an error. So in a few weeks after I have not eaten red meat 4 times in the week prior to the test and not eaten unhealthful amounts of BACON I will get retested.
Bacon YOU are no longer welcome on my plate.
Now the bad news:
My cholesterol is 234! OMG, up over 70 points in the last year. I blame it on BACON. BACON I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Just this week I had you for breakfast on Monday and Wednesday and Thursday, wrapped around my amazing filet mingon on Wednesday, and wrapped around my pork loin last night. Why do you taste so good? Why are you so bad for me?
The change started today. I had oatmeal for breakfast and half of a chicken salad sandwich for lunch. I will only eat bacon when camping, I swear. I will exersize and I will eat less red meat.
I like to think that my cholesterol is an error. So in a few weeks after I have not eaten red meat 4 times in the week prior to the test and not eaten unhealthful amounts of BACON I will get retested.
Bacon YOU are no longer welcome on my plate.
Blog I miss you
I won't be posting in my blog quite as much. It seems that my new supervisor requested that our information systems department do an audit of my internet usage. Blogger, why aren't you, eonline, salon, cnn, television without pity, and various other sites work related? WHY?
Back in the late 90's early 00's I worked for a well know pornogapher. He published mainly glossy magazines, but really started to branch out into gambling and shops in my last year of employment. Magazines are magazines whether they feature a couple of nikkid girls in a farm scene with a pig, one of them peeing; or Consumer Reports. They all have to get to the printer on time. When you work for a montly magazine you tend to have some downtime in between deadlines. In my particular job, I had about 2.5 weeks of downtime a month. And what does one do with all that downtime? (aside from the 40 minute smoke breaks) You surf the internet. I like the internet, it is my friend. In those couple of years I developed long standing relationships with various websites. Websites that taught me things, websites that make me laugh, places where I met people who later became my "real friends". I think it is good to have diversions at work, granted whilst working in porn, my time online was much more colorful than it could ever be at a hospital. And to be honest the days dragged on into what seemed like years, probably because I didn't have anything to do.
But anyway, at my current job they didn't take to kindly to my time online and I got a written warning on Monday. It is my very first written warning. I can't say that I'm proud. I'm proud that I didn't cry and that I accepted my wrong doings and promised to make a change. So far, I have only gone to 2 different sites. One to find a physician license and one to find the UPIN. I'm detailing everytime I go out of the intranet into the WWW in my outlook calendar. I do that because I have a shared computer and I don't trust my supervisor. My co-worker also was written up, so at least I'm not the only one!
I feel so wasteful of my personal time if I come home and spend an hour online. Damn that work.
I keep thinking that I can create posts at work and then save them to my memory key. That is work related, right?
Back in the late 90's early 00's I worked for a well know pornogapher. He published mainly glossy magazines, but really started to branch out into gambling and shops in my last year of employment. Magazines are magazines whether they feature a couple of nikkid girls in a farm scene with a pig, one of them peeing; or Consumer Reports. They all have to get to the printer on time. When you work for a montly magazine you tend to have some downtime in between deadlines. In my particular job, I had about 2.5 weeks of downtime a month. And what does one do with all that downtime? (aside from the 40 minute smoke breaks) You surf the internet. I like the internet, it is my friend. In those couple of years I developed long standing relationships with various websites. Websites that taught me things, websites that make me laugh, places where I met people who later became my "real friends". I think it is good to have diversions at work, granted whilst working in porn, my time online was much more colorful than it could ever be at a hospital. And to be honest the days dragged on into what seemed like years, probably because I didn't have anything to do.
But anyway, at my current job they didn't take to kindly to my time online and I got a written warning on Monday. It is my very first written warning. I can't say that I'm proud. I'm proud that I didn't cry and that I accepted my wrong doings and promised to make a change. So far, I have only gone to 2 different sites. One to find a physician license and one to find the UPIN. I'm detailing everytime I go out of the intranet into the WWW in my outlook calendar. I do that because I have a shared computer and I don't trust my supervisor. My co-worker also was written up, so at least I'm not the only one!
I feel so wasteful of my personal time if I come home and spend an hour online. Damn that work.
I keep thinking that I can create posts at work and then save them to my memory key. That is work related, right?
Monday, October 10, 2005
Canadian Thanksgiving
This weekend I celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving. We all met up at the beach for a long weekend of camping, but since most of us have to work today, it really wasn’t so much a long weekend as an overnight. And it was really all about the food.
Chorizo cooked in wine. Fine cheese and crackers. Chips and dip.
Garbage can Turkey. After realizing that a turkey will not fit into any affordable Dutch oven Katrina and Scott came up with a baby sized metal garbage can. The turkey was stuffed with bacon and fruit and all sorts of wonderful flavors. The turkey was moist and delicious. We ate every last bite.
Yams with lots of sweet spices simmered in the Dutch oven for many hours.
Banana Boats wrapped in foil. Bananas with a wedge cut out stuffed with peanut and chocolate chips and bits of marshmallow. Toss them in the coals and you’ve got dessert in a short 15 minutes!
Shaggy salty dogs; roasted marshmallows dipped in a can of Hershey’s warming on the fire rolled in coconut and chopped peanuts.
An orange, hallowed out and filled with gingerbread batter, wrapped in foil cooked on the coals. They were every bit as good as I had hoped. I assume I made them as a girl scout, but I don’t really remember them.
Cinnamon rolls in the can cooked over the fire in a Dutch Oven.
Fresh fruit
Gourmet burgers with aged cheddar cheese cooked over an open fire.
The only bad thing about camping was Dick and Cindy. They were in the site next to us. When they went to bed about 12:30, they carried on for about 2 hours; Cindy going from laughing to crying in her drunken stupor. But Dick really sealed the deal of being the worst camping neighbor ever when he woke Cindy up at 4 because she was snoring. He then proceeded to talk, bitch, complain, whatever at the top of his lungs for about 2 hours. Until he got up to find water, and yogurt without a spoon whilst signing “The Things We Do For Love”. At that point the it was my usual waking time and the sun was almost up and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I wanted more than anything to start singing Rise and Shine and give God your glory, glory, all 20+ versus at 7:00 when Cindy and Dick were sound asleep. I didn’t.
I'll load pictures at home!
Chorizo cooked in wine. Fine cheese and crackers. Chips and dip.
Garbage can Turkey. After realizing that a turkey will not fit into any affordable Dutch oven Katrina and Scott came up with a baby sized metal garbage can. The turkey was stuffed with bacon and fruit and all sorts of wonderful flavors. The turkey was moist and delicious. We ate every last bite.
Yams with lots of sweet spices simmered in the Dutch oven for many hours.
Banana Boats wrapped in foil. Bananas with a wedge cut out stuffed with peanut and chocolate chips and bits of marshmallow. Toss them in the coals and you’ve got dessert in a short 15 minutes!
Shaggy salty dogs; roasted marshmallows dipped in a can of Hershey’s warming on the fire rolled in coconut and chopped peanuts.
An orange, hallowed out and filled with gingerbread batter, wrapped in foil cooked on the coals. They were every bit as good as I had hoped. I assume I made them as a girl scout, but I don’t really remember them.
Cinnamon rolls in the can cooked over the fire in a Dutch Oven.
Fresh fruit
Gourmet burgers with aged cheddar cheese cooked over an open fire.
The only bad thing about camping was Dick and Cindy. They were in the site next to us. When they went to bed about 12:30, they carried on for about 2 hours; Cindy going from laughing to crying in her drunken stupor. But Dick really sealed the deal of being the worst camping neighbor ever when he woke Cindy up at 4 because she was snoring. He then proceeded to talk, bitch, complain, whatever at the top of his lungs for about 2 hours. Until he got up to find water, and yogurt without a spoon whilst signing “The Things We Do For Love”. At that point the it was my usual waking time and the sun was almost up and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I wanted more than anything to start singing Rise and Shine and give God your glory, glory, all 20+ versus at 7:00 when Cindy and Dick were sound asleep. I didn’t.
I'll load pictures at home!
Monday, October 03, 2005
Memo To:
To the alarm and its owner
Your alarm started to go off at 8:00 pm Sunday night. By 1:00 am, I was growing weary of the insensate ringing. By 4:00 am I was thinking about calling in sick as I really hadn't slept all night. By 5:10, I was in the shower determined to not let the alarm take away a day of pay. By 5:30, someone else seemed to have been mad enough to draw their weapon. It seems they missed with their random gunshot, as you were still going off when I left for work at 5:45. If you are making even one peep today when I get home, I'm calling the cops. Fucker.
To my new manager:
You start a brand new job today. I hope you like it here. Now that you are here I have 4 managers/supervisors. If I can make one suggestion, we (my department) like it when new people say hello to us it will win you brownie points. Perhaps you could also teach bozo how to be a proper supervisor. Please don't be a bitch with an agenda. Many people in your new department have worked here 20 years or more, use them as a resource instead of a threat.
Your alarm started to go off at 8:00 pm Sunday night. By 1:00 am, I was growing weary of the insensate ringing. By 4:00 am I was thinking about calling in sick as I really hadn't slept all night. By 5:10, I was in the shower determined to not let the alarm take away a day of pay. By 5:30, someone else seemed to have been mad enough to draw their weapon. It seems they missed with their random gunshot, as you were still going off when I left for work at 5:45. If you are making even one peep today when I get home, I'm calling the cops. Fucker.
To my new manager:
You start a brand new job today. I hope you like it here. Now that you are here I have 4 managers/supervisors. If I can make one suggestion, we (my department) like it when new people say hello to us it will win you brownie points. Perhaps you could also teach bozo how to be a proper supervisor. Please don't be a bitch with an agenda. Many people in your new department have worked here 20 years or more, use them as a resource instead of a threat.
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