Sunday, February 05, 2006


The concert was last night!

The Great Western Forum is located in Inglewood, CA. 24.7 miles from where we live. We left at 6:30, the concert began at 8. We were both excited to see Fiona Apple, the opener.

Well 2.5 hour later we were still in traffic, it took more than an hour to exit the freeway and drive 3 miles.

We missed the opener. We walked into the forum as the lights dimmed and sat in our seats as the first note played. It was a good show. But that 3 hour commute to get there was the deal breaker. No more shows at the forum. No thanks. I'd rather watch them on tv.

Chris Martin did thank us all for actually getting there, he too was late and stuck in that traffic.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

That was ridiculous traffic.
I got stressed out just hearing about it.
