I was not accepted into the Lines into Shapes art show in Estes Park. I do, however, have an invite to the opening reception, so if you live in or around the Estes Park area let me know and it is yours. It is a pretty crappy invitation, it isn't even cut straight.
I didn't really expect to be accepted (self fulfilling...). I do believe that the judges of the juried art world don't consider polymer clay to be a valid artistic medium. Maybe it is the whimsy and the popularity with the kids they skews their mindset. I would have been sad to see the piece go, so maybe it was a self fulfilling prophesy. I should probably look for shows in LA then I can see my art in person!
I am super excited about my new website! I can't wait to see everything so pretty once it is done. I am taking semi ok pictures, and Katrina is working her mad photoshop skillz to make them look beautiful! K8 will use her own skillz to make it all flow on the internets.
I have been in a creative slump for a while and now I have so many projects I don't know what to do! 90210, make new things for ArtWalk, the website!
The 90210 progress is GREAT! We (Matt) have the "trailor" backing tracks almost done, it runs about 6 minutes. If that goes well we will do something longer. I'll have to ask if Matt can put in the "I choose you, its always been you" scene into the current mix. That is my most favorite scene in the whole 10 year series. If it doesn't make it into the trailor we'll just have to do more later. I can't wait to start filming. Labor Day weekend is looking damn good!
So until next time I will be enjoying looking at this until I am accepted or it is sold elsewhere.

Joanna - I'm so disappointed that you were not selected for the art show - this piece is so beautiful! So, for now it will continue to adorn your living room. Perhaps you should put it on your new website and put a hefty price on it!
Entering shows. Like not being chosen for kickball in elementary school. Ugh.
And then you have to self-medicate to get over the rejection. Ugh.
Make what you like.
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