Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I think the mourning doves will nest again. On Sunday morning, one dove was on the wire outside our bedroom window cooing loudly. They live around here year round and they don't really every make noise like that. Then later in the day one dove was sitting in the bird feeder. They traditionally do nest in the same location, so chances are they're getting ready to set up shop.

I'm pretty excited. It was lots of fun to watch them grow and become grown up birds.

In other bird news, we have a hummingbird that rests in our front tree daily. Every afternoon he/she comes and hangs out for a few minutes, flies away, comes to rest.... Have you ever heard a hummingbird sing? It is this weird frequency pitch and rather than sound like a chirp it is more of a grind. He/she sticks out their tongue on each sound and it is easily the length of the entire bird and pin thin.

The wild parrots that live at the park a block away seem to be multiplying. It is pretty crazy to hear wild parrots squawking in this desert town. In fact they are flying over head as I type.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So interesting. Be sure to take pictures of the pending family and the hummingbird & parrots too. I love bird watching!
love, mom