Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I pretty much hate calling the customer service people because A. the lie and say they are in Memphis or something. B. I can't understand more than half of what they are saying. C. they suck in general and I don't want to be routed to India to speak to the bank.

Today I called and they needed to speak to my husband, well he isn't available and I don't care if his name is listed first. So I hung up and called back and said my name is Matthew. She clearly didn't believe me and kept asking if she should call me Mr. or Ms. I said just call me Matthew. I got the result I wanted and now I don't have to call ever again.


Samantha said...

At least you got a real person. I called my bank coz they sent me a credit card statement for a card I didn't sign up for and I nearly went ballistic with the "press # for blank". I finally yelled "I want to talk to a real person!!!!!" The automated voice said "You would like to speak to a representative? Say yes or press 1" I yelled YES!! and got more automated crap so I yelled "I want to speak to a real person!!! again and got the same "you want a representative" question. Finally after three ginormous yells, I get connected to a lady who then had to connect me to another department who informed me that it was too late to see where/who/what generated the card as I DID NOT SIGN UP. Result, no more card, everything taken care of.... I hope.

Anonymous said...

Matthew - thanks for the good laugh - love it!

Katrina said...

Brilliant, Joanna... er, I mean, Matthew...