Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Picture pages, picture pages now its time for picture pages

The Captain Kangaroo / Bill Cosby picture pages song is on regular rotation in my head. So here are my picture pages for today. No need to grab a pen or a pencil.

my desk

A street in Beverly Hills. I drive it everyday so I can see the sunrise over the palm trees.

Matt and I last weekend before going to Cirque Du Soleil.

Jewelry in the works


So far. I had a really difficult time picking beads to go with the main piece. I hope it turns out ok.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures! I love your hair cut - cute as ever!

Your jewelry is beautiful - I love the earthy tones. I can see why it is so costly when you add so many beads. Can you sell some of yours just as beads - not jewlelry?

Katrina said...

Cute pic of you and Mr. Stein!! I miss you guys. Can't wait for our LOST and Lucha VaVoom date!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! It's Ozy from the um, wherever.

Anyhow, Rose mentioned to me that you make jewelry because I mentioned that I wanted to start making jewelry but, whatever. I'd much rahter buy it. Blah blah blah, etc., etc. etc.

interested in showing me what you have made?
If so, you can contact me at

Or you can just ignore this post, Either one works! ;)