The kitty crouches on the back of the couch just out of view of the birds and pounces to the edge of the table and the birds fly away. She does this at least a dozen times a day, she also will just sit and watch them eat.
I spend a lot of time looking out the window and noticed a squirrel out on the wire across from the window. I actually heard him before I saw him, he was squirreling up a storm and getting quite jealous of the birds eating the morning away. I knew as soon as he laid eyes on the feeder the end of an era was over.
No more than 3 hours later the squirrel was in the tree and I was at the window video camera and digital camera in hand.

We went out for awhile and came home to the squirrel sound asleep in the feeder. We scared him away before we could take a picture.
I do have 15 minutes of me squealing about the squirrel on tape, with additional footage of the squirrel duel;which lead to the unfortunate untimely death of a rival squirrel. And of course me coaxing the cat to pay attention. So if you come visit, I'll play it for you.
A double feature for the cat.
We have birds, squirrels and chipmunks eating at our feeders but no cat to really enjoy the show.
Perhaps you could win $10,000 on that funny video show?
Oh I must hear more about the squirrel duel. This is all so exciting.
I love that the squirrel took a nap in the feeder!
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