A number of years ago my mom and dad gave me a suction-cup window bird feeder. For a long, long time I'd keep it full of seeds and let the birds entertain Chase-er-meow-meow.
Today, while watching a young hoodlum get arrested in the front yard, I notice that rather than bird feed in the feeder there was a BIRD. A lovely dove has made a nest in the feeder. I have long neglected the bird feeder; the cat is dead and the couch is now in front of the window. And I ran out of bird seed ages ago.
It is clear that the bird has eggs in its nest. It sat not moving at all the entire time the guy was being arrested (he was actually not arrested, it was the neighborhood "security ambassadors" who stopped him and gave him a "warning" for 30+ minutes.) She did sit up to rearrange herself and there are some little eggs gestating under the warmth of her belly.
Matt and I discussed her potential names. He'd like to use our future cats name Sir Cattington of Mousingham, but I vetoed and went with Birdie. Ok, so not really a veto, I'm not that cool, he relented.
So Birdie will have baby birds and I will take pictures and share them with you.

Unfortunately the feeder is dirty from age and the winter rains. So no clear pictures though the window.

Chase-er-meow-meow loved the feeder, especially when the Squirrel came to visit.