The images are in no particular order, blogger sucks like that, but we all had a super time. I love how happy and relaxed we all look.
A big, huge thanks to Sarah, Alissa, Rene and Asia! You all did a wonderful job.

The amazing Rene
Rose with Catastrophie Cosmetic

Sarah asking trivia questions. We all won prizes!
Asia rubbing Elizabeth's foot. Sarah and Alissa talking to Rose in the background.
Rene giving me a Sweet Japanese Girl massage. SJG is a great facial scrub/cleaner.
Alissa and Sarah giving arm massages. Alisa did mine and wow!
Discussing what type of moisturizer to use. We choose the gorgeous, Gorgeous. It is a lovely, lovely moisturizer.

Michelle and Shelby with their feet in a bowl filled with lemons and bits of Big Blue bath bomb
Rene putting Cupcake Fresh Face mask on Shelby
Monster Mask!
mmmmm Cupcake, it smells good enough to eat.

Rene working his Lush magic

Elizabeth with a combo Fresh Face Mask. It looks like Catastrophie Cosmetic and maybe Cosmetic Warrior?

Playing trivia

I'm really not sure what I've got going on here.

Elizabeth and I chatting while getting our feet done!

Rose against the wall of bombs

So much fun.

I'm off to soak in the tub!