I got a flyer in the mail for a 21 day fitness study at the popular woman's only 30 minute workout place. They measure you at the beginning and end and work out with you 3x per week for 3 weeks. I decided to do it. They are 2 blocks away, it is free and I need to do something.
Today was my first session. Is it wrong that I prefer the people who are motivating me and training me at the "gym" to be fit? There were 3 people working today, 2 girls behind the counter and one "trainer". The trainer is a member of the gym and helping out in exchange for membership bucks. All of the woman were way fatter than I am. Probably in the eyes of charts and percentages clinically obese. It makes me wonder if this 30 minute workout deal works. I know I shouldn't judge, but still I can't help it.
I took today off work to work on some projects for the art show. I had big plans to go purchase fancy handmade paper and complete the journal books I am making. Yesterday when Matt and I went out for gelato, we checked the times at the paper store. Today there was a sign on the store that they are closed today. I wish that sign would have been there yesterday, as I would have planned my day differently.
Instead of making the books with the fancy paper, I am making a fancy chicken curry dish that has been simmering away for numerous hours. My home smells like India without the bad smells, which I imagine are plentiful. You know with all the cows and stray animals and all those people without regular baths, not those types of smells.
Tomorrow I will go to the bead store, or so I plan. Maybe instead I'll try the paper store once again. I'll also plan to take some pictures of my weekend craftiness.