Monday, December 19, 2005


I paid for over priced 3 day UPS to Maine from California just so I wouldn't have to stand in line at the PO for 45 minutes.

In the time I saved I
1. Bought a crappy pathetic Christmas tree. I love its retardedness, it fits. I will post pictures when it is decorated.

2. Went to Target to purchase all of Matt's gifts. I bought pretty much all chick presents, a new sugar bowl, a new stainless steel (no Teflon) 10 inch frying pan, and a wallet. He doesn't read this, so I'm not worried about being a spoiler. I'll might get a gift certificate to the new sushi place down the street.
The no teflon is because they are scratched after a day and a half.

3. Dropped of 4 bags of crap to me/new to you items at Goodwill.

I was home 1 hour after I left work!

Sadly, a co-worker passed away this weekend. Not the cancer co-worker, she thankfully is still holding on, day by day. This co-worker drove a laundry truck, every morning we'd greet each other as he was pulling 3 or 4 carts of linens. He choked on a piece of food and freaking died. So sad, he has 4 children the youngest just a baby. He worked 2 full time jobs to support his family. He worked at the hospital for 15 years. Crazy.

We of course then debated the Heimlich maneuver throughout the day. Could you do it? Most of us decided that if it was a bigger man there is no way we could do it. I'd have to throw them over a chair and hope to clear the passage. We don't know if anyone was with him at the time he choked so we don't know if they attempted to use the Heimlich.

Blogger doesn't know the word Heimlich. It does however suggest that you use Homology. Homology doesn't mean what you might think it means, or at least it doesn't mean what I thought it meant. And to be honest, even after reading the definition I'm still not sure what it means.


Deborah Boschert said...

Indeed. That was a bunch of very miscellaneous stuff. So sad about the co-worker. You just never know. I guess it's a reminder to not let things be left undone or unsaid. I'll be looking for a box. Yeah! The UPS man came across the street at 7pm tonight. They must work really long hours this time of year. So, what does homo-whatever mean?

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see pics of your tree - it will be beautiful once all your great ornaments are in place!

Joanna Stein said...

The Post man came at 9:00 last night to deliver the package from mom. 9:00!