Deborah 3 1/2 and Joanna 1. On the back in my mother's handwriting "Little Princesses"

Halloween, I'm guessing in Minneapolis. We had round columns on the porch in Junction City.

Matt remembers touching the bunny's fur. March 1971 (he also remembers catching the jacket on fire after bumping into the space heater. His dad had stop, drop and manually roll him.)

Joanna's 3rd Birthday. 1975



Dress Up!

Deborah and Joanna with Grandma Jean in Minneapolis

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

This picture says Joanna 1977, but it is clearly Deborah.

The summer before Junior High also in 1977

3rd or 4th, when do you get the new front teeth?

5th The teacher grabbed Matt and combed his hair to the side, which is the reason it is different than all his other school pics.

In Betty's office at Church of the Covenant in Junction City.

On the front porch in Junction City.

Dance Recital!

Matt at 9 or 10.

Playing baseball at 11 or 12. He didn't like playing ball.

WTF with the perm?

I loved this girl scout outfit. So cute. This is Kansas, note the round columns.

I must be about 3 or 4.

8th grade



My 23 Birthday

October 2002

LOVED the pics!! We live in Chapman outside of Junction City. I'd love to know your old address and drive by your old house to see if the round columns are still there or not. I am a bit corny like that but I think it would be fun! I could even send a pic...yeah wow! Can you tell my husband is deployed and I am hard up for a good time? No really, I have fun and good friends! I hate this fucking war! We're the dumb asses for staying in! It has been a decent life for us despite the deployments. Life is definitely better since he became commissioned though! Hugs~
P.S. I am so glad to see you're so happy with your life! I still think of you whenever I eat breakfast at McDonald's to this day!
Jamie, I found my date book from Senior year and all my little notes. So funny to read. You're name comes up often!
Our old address was 315 W. 4th St. Right next door to the church.
I'd LOVE to see a pic!
Joanna, I wandered over here from Deborah's blog and so enjoyed the pictures! You are such a great looking family!!! :) Lucy (Higgins) Sinkular
How bizarre to see a comment from Chapman where I grew up. I remember Joanna at 3. ;)
Psst, Joanna:
You've just been tagged to list 7 Random Things about yourself on your blog, then you get to tag 5 other people to do the same. ;)
Joanna, Loved the pictures and the cute pink crochet dress.
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