Tomorrow is a personal day. I decided Wednesday to ask if I could take Friday off, it was no problem.
On the to do list
1. Michael's Arts and Crafts. This is employee appreciation week at Michaels, and it seems that I'm an employee. All I have done is shown my work, filled out a bunch of paperwork and complete a 70 question quiz about stealing, smoking pot and having issues with authority. Check, Check and Check. I passed with fling colors. It was much like the MMPI, but for people who work at Michaels. Honestly, it made me uncomfortable. But I digress.
So Employee Appreciation Week at Micheal's means 50% off my complete purchase. That's right, 50% off my
ENTIRE purchase! I plan to take advantage and restock my supplies.
At some point in December I will teach a class, it is nice to be appreciated in advance.
2. Laundry.
3. Sleep in past 5:30 AM.
4. Make 20-200 items for goody bags for the
Handmade for the Holidays. 200 is pretty ambitious, but that is what I'm shooting for. It is worth it. 200 people will have my business card and a little slice of clay with a hole in it. I plan to do an abstract flower. They can hang it on something or whatever. I'm sure I'll also make a few beads and maybe some other fun easy things.
5. Make a pot of crock. For that I need to go to the grocery store. So I imagine the day will start with a trip to the grocery store and maybe jamba juice. I think pot roast will be on the menu. Or maybe I'll be a super good wife and try to replicate Matt's mom's chicken and biscuits recipe. Never having had it, nor knowing what it tastes like will likely be an issue.
I'm looking forward to a nice day off!