Wednesday, November 29, 2006

ABC it's easy as 123

A. Stay. She isn't allowed to speak to me and her only communication can be via email.

B. Move. Go to a different department.

C. Quit. Get a severance package.


Joanne S said...

Are you going to roll with this job till your wheels fall off?

Samantha said...

Your skills are marketable. Go to a better marketplace. The stress, frustration, aggravation, and the toll it takes on you mentally and physically is not worth the paycheck. You'll end up spending the money on health bills. Sit down and do a pro-con list. If the cons outnumber the pros, actively seek another job, go to another dept, or just hightail your buttinsky out of there and take a deep breath and fall for a week or two and then land in the job pool once again, finding something that does your heart, mind, and body good. I speak from experience. I did this twice in a row and nothing beats you up more, but the deep breath and falling, scary but not anywhere near the level the two jobs were. Believe in what you do well. Trust that there is a place for you. I know I sound like a self-help book, but it's something the Universe pretty beat into my head. And I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up... but I have a job in the interim that works for me!

Deborah Boschert said...

YOU are your own boss. Don't let them push you around. Decide what you need and then INSIST on it -- whether at this place or another place. I'll try to give you a call tonight.