Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Since you asked

Or even if you didn't...

Emma: She is doing great! We give her extra love everyday and that seems to be just what the doctor ordered. Well not really considering our love is FREE and the what the doctor ordered was $3000.00.

Car Shopping: Still looking. I just want the car to be in my parking spot and not have to deal with all the shopping. And especially all the car sales men, give it up Jack. Armen, so far so good.

Presidential Bid: I'm still running. Don't forget to vote for me.

What else? How come when I'm in the car I can think of 100 million things to post but now that I'm here, nothing.

This weekend my sister and her family are coming for a visit. I really should be getting the house into visitor shape, but I don't wanna.

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